Convert HEIC to JPEG

The service offers a simple and fast way to convert HEIC format images to JPEG. HEIC is an image format used by Apple in iPhone and iPad devices, which provides high quality with a smaller file size. However, not all software and devices support this format, making conversion to JPEG relevant for many users.

Key Features:

  • Fast conversion without loss of quality.
  • Batch processing support for converting multiple files at once.
  • Intuitive interface that doesn't require technical skills.
  • Security: user files are deleted from the server after processing.
  • No additional software installation required.

How to Use:

  1. Upload one or multiple HEIC format images.
  2. Click the "Convert" button.
  3. Once the conversion process is complete, download the ready JPEG format images.
All the files uploaded here are stored for 4 hours. After that, all the files are removed from our servers.

Drop your files here